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8/19 (週日)
2018 ISSTA 年會 (Annual Assembly of Members) 暨 第六屆國際睡眠醫學與科學專家論壇 (The 6th International Sleep Medicice and Science Expert Forum) (ISSTA 2018 & 6th iFESS in brief) 今年我們爭取到台北舉辦,8/ 19(週日)跟亞太經合會(APEC)睡眠科技研討會(APEC Sleep Technology Conference), 以及創新醫療與健康科技研發中心IMHTC ( 亞太營運處開幕儀式將在台北市 三軍總醫院 門診大樓 B1 第三演講廳舉行,目前邀請到


Michael V. Vitiello, Ph.D
 Co-Editor-in-Chief of Sleep Medicine Review, Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A.
ISSTA past vice-president 

講題:Telephone delivered CBTi

Patrick J. Strollo Jr., MD, FACP, FCCP, FAASM
Vice Chair for Veterans Affairs, Department of Medicine
Vice President Medical Service Line VA Pittsburgh Health System
Professor of Medicine and Clinical and Translational Science

講題:Residual Daytime Sleepiness in Patients with OSA: Mechanisms and Management


中研院 王平院士 Ping Wang, Ph.D.
Professor, Washington University, St. Louis, U.S.A.
Academician, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

講題:The Economic Impact from Sleep Technology Development.


陳亮恭 醫師 台北榮總 高齡醫學中心 主任
講題:Long sleep duration, independent of frailty and chronic Inflammation, was associated with higher mortality

廖如圭 博士 科技部 鏈結中心 前執行長
講題:Startup ABC for Scholars

劉致顯 精鼎國際 董事長 
講題:Investment Consideration for Innovative Health Technology

許明倫 陽明大學 牙醫學院 院長

講題:The Latest Advancement of Dental Field on Sleep Medicice 

將報名費用 NT$600 轉帳至以下帳戶
國際睡眠科學與科技協會台灣分會 江秉穎
活期戶頭-玉山銀行士林分行  0657-940-012599 
外匯戶頭-玉山銀行士林分行  0657-441-013666 (可收外幣)


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